Trusting and transitioning to a follow-on or a new formula can be challenging for parents. While there isn’t a specific reason behind this, most of the time, it is because parents, who only want the best for their child, find it difficult to trust a formula.
Fortunately, HiPP Formula catches the eye of parents in such a manner that they only consider transitioning from Stage 1 to Stage 2 and not to another formula.
If you’re a parent struggling with the transitioning period, we understand and are here for you. This article will discuss the transitioning procedure from HiPP Dutch stage 1 to stage 2 (applicable to other follow-on stages).
What Is HiPP Dutch Stage 2?
First things first, let’s start from the beginning. HiPP Dutch stage 2 is, as the name suggests, a follow-on of HiPP Dutch Stage 2. It is manufactured and packaged through the same procedure as the other stages but with a significant difference.
The Stage 2 formula is adequate for a child between 6 months – 12 months. It is a complete package of nutrients, prebiotics, and probiotics that your infant’s body needs.
Why Is Transitioning Important?
Each stage of the HiPP baby formula is prepared to meet the specific mental and physical developmental needs of infants in a particular age range. It contains a slightly higher quantity of the same nourishing ingredients and other necessary ones. For example, it contains tyrosine and cytosine to reach a balanced amino acid profile.
While some new parents may be hesitant to transition to the next stage and prefer to stick with the first stage, there are several reasons why transitioning is a better alternative. For one, it ensures that the baby gets the appropriate amount of nutrients for their age range. Moreover, transitioning can aid the weaning process and help the baby adjust to more solid foods.
On top of this, transitioning can also aid if your child is weaning and getting used to more solid foods. The texture of HiPP Dutch Stage 2 is comparatively stable and has a thicker, creamier taste.
Lastly, stage 2 can be a substitute if the mother’s feed is not available for the infant instantly. It won’t let your baby compromise on the quality of the meal it receives or the nourishment. On other actions, it also makes for an applaudable supplement.
How To Transition From HiPP Dutch Stage 1 to Stage 2?
First and foremost, you might want to stock up on stage 2 while your baby goes through the transition period. We don’t recommend feeding the stage 2 formula right away. A better option would be to mix it with HiPP Dutch Stage 1 and double the amount daily.
Eventually, if your child adjusts well to this new meal change, you can completely shift to HiPP Formula. Otherwise, it is okay for the adjusting period to stretch to a few weeks (2 at most).
Happy feeding!